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Crossfade can be used to switch between Composables with an crossfade animation.

Example video of the code below. On every button click, the content of the screen will change with an animation duration of 3 seconds.

enum class MyColors(val color: Color) {
    Red(Color.Red), Green(Color.Green), Blue(Color.Blue)

fun CrossfadeDemo() {
    var currentColor by remember { mutableStateOf(MyColors.Red) }
    Column {
        Row {
            MyColors.values().forEach { myColors ->
                        onClick = { currentColor = myColors },
                        Modifier.weight(1f, true)
                                colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(backgroundColor = myColors.color)
                ) {
        Crossfade(targetState = currentColor, animationSpec = tween(3000)) { selectedColor ->
            Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(selectedColor.color))

How does it work?

As you can see in the video above, this demo consists of a screen with 3 buttons at the top. On a button click, the screen below will change to the selected color.

Crossfade(targetState = currentColor, animationSpec = tween(3000)) { selectedColor ->
   Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(selectedColor.color))

Crossfade expects some kind of state to detect when it should recompose. In this example, this is currentColor, which is a state with the selected color enum. This state will be set to the current parameter.

With the animationSpec parameter, you can set which animation should be used to switch between the Composables. The default parameter here is the tween animation. You can choose between any class that implements AnimationSpec. The 3000 in this example is the duration that the tween animation will have.

The last parameter is the body of the Crossfade Composable. Here you have to create the UI that you want to display. selectedColor is the current value of currentColor. In this example i’m using a Box to display the colors. Everytime one of the 3 buttons is clicked, the value of currentColor will change and the Crossfade will recompose with an animation between the old and new UI.

See also:

Last update: July 27, 2022