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Compose for Android Developers

This page is inspired by The goal is to show how common use cases with the classic Android View system, can be done with Compose.

Android View Compose
Button Button
TextView Text
EditText TextField
ImageView Image
LinearLayout(horizontally) Row
LinearLayout(vertically) Column
FrameLayout Box
RecyclerView LazyColumn
RecyclerView(horizontally) LazyRow
Snackbar Snackbar


What is the equivalent of a LinearLayout?

In Android, a LinearLayout is used to lay your widgets out linearly—either horizontally or vertically. With Compose, use the Row or Column composable to achieve the same result.

If you notice the two code samples are identical with the exception of the “Row” and “Column” composable. The children are the same and this feature can be exploited to develop rich layouts that can change overtime with the same children.

fun Example() {
    Row {
        Text("Hello World!")
        Text("Hello World!2")
fun Example() {
    Column {
        Text("Hello World!")
        Text("Hello World!2")

What is the equivalent of a RelativeLayout?

A RelativeLayout lays your widgets out relative to each other. In Compose, there are a few ways to achieve the same result.

You can achieve the result of a RelativeLayout by using a combination of Column, Row, and Stack widgets

What is the equivalent of a ScrollView?

In Android, use a ScrollView to lay out your widgets—if the user’s device has a smaller screen than your content, it scrolls.

In Compose, you can use a LazyColumn

What is the equivalent of a RecyclerView?

In Compose, you can use a LazyColumn or LazyRow.

What is the equivalent of wrap_content?

In the classic Android View system you use wrap_content to set the height/width of a View to the minimun needed value.

In Compose, you can set a Modifier:


Android View equivalent -> android:layout_width=”wrap_content”


Android View equivalent ->android:layout_height=”wrap_content”


Android View equivalent ->android:layout_height=”wrap_content”

Android View equivalent -> android:layout_width=”wrap_content”

fun Example() {
    Row {
        Text("Text1",modifier = Modifier.wrapContentWidth())
        Text("Text2",modifier = Modifier.wrapContentHeight())

Working with Text

What is the equivalent of a TextView?

In Compose you can use a Text to display text

What is the equivalent of a EditText?

The EditText is the standard text entry view in the Android View system. If the user needs to enter text into an app, this is the primary way for them to do that. In Compose you can use TextField

Last update: August 16, 2021