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BoxWithConstraints is a layout similar to the Box layout, but it has the advantage that you can get the minimum/maximum available width and height for the Composable on the screen. You can use it to show a different content depending on the available space.

Inside the scope of BoxWithConstraints you have access to the BoxWithConstraintsScope. With it you can get the minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight in dp and constraints in pixels.


fun BoxWithConstraintsDemo() {
    Column {
        Column {

        Text("Here we set the size to 150.dp", modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 20.dp))
        Column(modifier = Modifier.size(150.dp)) {

private fun MyBoxWithConstraintsDemo() {
    BoxWithConstraints {
        val boxWithConstraintsScope = this
        //You can use this scope to get the minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight in dp and constraints

        Column {
            if (boxWithConstraintsScope.maxHeight >= 200.dp) {
                    "This is only visible when the maxHeight is >= 200.dp",
                    style = TextStyle(fontSize = 20.sp)
            Text("minHeight: ${boxWithConstraintsScope.minHeight}, maxHeight: ${boxWithConstraintsScope.maxHeight},  minWidth: ${boxWithConstraintsScope.minWidth} maxWidth: ${boxWithConstraintsScope.maxWidth}")

See also:

Last update: July 27, 2022