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Compile errors

By default, Ktorfit will throw compile error when it finds conditions under which it can’t ensure that it will work correct. You can set it in the Ktorfit config to change this

    errorCheckingMode = ErrorCheckingMode.NONE

You can set it in your build.gradle.kts file,

  • NONE : Turn off all Ktorfit related error checking

  • ERROR: Check for errors

  • WARNING: Turn errors into warnings


By default, Ktorfit will keep qualifiedTypename for TypeData in the generated code empty. You can set it in the Ktorfit config to change this:

ktorfit {
    generateQualifiedTypeName = true
Default code generation
val _typeData = TypeData.createTypeData(
    typeInfo = typeInfo<Call<People>>(),
With QualifiedTypeName true
val _typeData = TypeData.createTypeData(
    typeInfo = typeInfo<Call<People>>(),
    qualifiedTypename = "de.jensklingenberg.ktorfit.Call<com.example.model.People>"

Add your own Ktor client

You can set your Ktor client instance to the Ktorfit builder:

val myClient = HttpClient()
val ktorfit = Ktorfit.Builder().httpClient(myClient).build()

Last update: May 27, 2024