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Here is how to migrate from deprecated code:

From <2 to 2.0.0

  • You used Response?

Add this dependency:

You can find all available versions here


and add this converter to your Ktorfit instance:


  • You used Call?

Add this dependency:

You can find all available versions here


and add this converter to your Ktorfit instance:


  • You used Flow?

Add this dependency:

You can find all available versions here


and add this converter to your Ktorfit instance:


From 1.7.0 to 1.8.1


Implement override suspend fun convert(result: KtorfitResult)

public suspend fun convert(result: KtorfitResult): T {
    return when (result) {
        is KtorfitResult.Failure -> {
            throw result.throwable // Or do something with the throwable

        is KtorfitResult.Success -> {
            val response = result.response
            //Put the code that was in your other convert function here

Redirect the deprecated function to the new function:

override suspend fun convert(response: HttpResponse): Any {
    return convert(KtorfitResult.Success(response))

Last update: May 26, 2024